
Legal notice & GTCs

Privacy policy

Copyright and trademark rights

The content, images, and concept of the Internet presence of Messmer & Meyer, Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “MMK”) are copyrighted. All product names, information, images, and other contents on the MMK website may not be changed, copied, reproduced, sold, rented, or otherwise utilized without written permission. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

Third-party websites/links

The MMK website may contain links to third-party websites. MMK does not assume any responsibility for the content on these web pages nor does MMK adopt these web pages and their contents as its own.


The information contained on this website constitutes general descriptions or features of MMK’s range of services. These may vary from case to case. An obligation to guarantee the respective features exists only where expressly guaranteed by contract. The availability of our services is subject to change without notice.

MMK constantly checks and updates the information on its website. Despite all due care, the information may have changed since the last update. Therefore, no liability or guarantee can be assumed in terms of the currentness, correctness, or completeness of the information provided. Furthermore, liability for material and legal defects in the information on the MMK website – in particular in terms of correctness, freedom from errors, and correctness of third-party intellectual property rights and copyrights – is also excluded.

Despite stringent security measures, MMK cannot guarantee that the website is free from viruses. Website visitors should employ appropriate safety devices for their own protection.

General terms and conditions (GTCs)

MMK – Messmer & Meyer, Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH

Information pursuant to § 5 TMG:

Karlstr. 100
80335 Munich

Phone: +49 89 1228 427 50
Email: info(at)m-m-k(dot)de
Fax: +49 89 / 122 84 27-51

Managing directors: Benjamin Meyer and Tobias Messmer
Register court: Munich, HRB 143424
Tax number: 143/163/30399
VAT ID no.: DE 224 666 886

Responsible pursuant to § 55 (2) RstV

Benjamin Meyer and Tobias Messmer
Karlstr. 100
80335 Munich